About Assessment

Screening for Dyslexia

In most schools a dyslexia screening test is used to assess a student with dyslexic-type difficulties. A screening test is administered by a teacher or SENCO and helps teachers devise support strategies. A screening test is not the same as a diagnostic assessment.

A Diagnosis of Dyslexia can only be achieved though full diagnostic assessment

Diagnostic assessment for SpLD Dyslexia requires administration of approved, standardised assessment materials. It is conducted by an Educational Psychologist or a Specialist Teacher with a Level 7 qualification (AMBDA) and an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC).

A Diagnostic Assessment

  • Uses approved, standardised assessment materials.

  • Provides scores that measure strengths and weaknesses.

  • Provides recommendations to support an individual.

  • Can result in a diagnosis of SpLD Dyslexia

    A diagnosis of dyslexia can also help an individual to:

    • Apply for exam Access Arrangements while studying at school, college or university.

    • Apply for university funding in the form of a Disabled Student Allowance (DSA)

    • Apply for reasonable adjustments in a workplace

You can read more information about dyslexia and assessment at: 


